to wit
Ann Guthrie< no role >
Aged about fifty Three Years
on her Oath Says she is the Widow
Alexander Guthrie< no role >
who has been dead near Twenty Years ago and with whom
she Intermarried at
the Fleet
about Thirty Years
ago and by whom she hath Three Children now living at
of whom are now Provided for Says her said late Husband
served Seven Years Apprenticeship
with his Uncle
Guthrie a Tobacconist
in the Parish of St. Katherine by
the Tower
and after her said Husband was out of his
Apprenticeship he never Rented House paid taxes or
otherwise gained any Subsequent Settlement neither
hath this Examinant since her said Husbands Death
Sworn this 26th. day
of Octr. 1773
John GoodChild< no role >
R. Butler
Ann [mark] Guthrie< no role >