St Clement Danes Parish:
Pauper Settlement, Vagrancy and Bastardy Exams

16th April 1785 - 12th January 1787

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDEP358000360

Image 360 of 38626th September 1786

Saint Clement Danes


to wit Ann Jones< no role > aged about 60 years upon
her Oath saith that about 20 years ago she
Intermarried with John Jones< no role > at the Parish
Church of St. Dunstan in the City of London
that her said Husband has been dead about
17 years that her said Husband Rented and
lived in a House in Cradle Court St. Mary Axe
in the Parish of St. Andrew Under shaft in the
City of London for 3 Years at the yearly Rent
of £12 and Paid Taxes due for the same that
after her said Husband Death she this Ext. Kept
the said House for 3 years that after quitting
that House she never did any Act Matter
or thing whereby to the best of her Knowledge
Information or belief she may have gained
any Subsequent Settlement

Sworn this 26th
day of Septr. 1786
Sampn Wright< no role > M Addington

Ann Jones< no role >

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