St Clement Danes Parish:
Pauper Settlement, Vagrancy and Bastardy Exams

16th April 1785 - 12th January 1787

About this document type

Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDEP358000353

Image 353 of 38613th August 1786

Saint Clement Danes


to wit James Talboys< no role > one of the Beadles of
the Parish of St. Clement Danes on behalf of
Elizth. Berman< no role > who is rather disordered in
her mind, Maketh Oath and Saith that he
has been informed which information he
believes to be true that the said Elizth
< no role > lived as a hired yearly Servant
with Lady Egremont at Egremont House
Piccadilly in the Parish of Saint George
Hanover Square for upwards of Twelve
Months.-That He has great reason to
believe such information to be true
From the Affidavit of Dennis Kinslow< no role >
who lived and Cohabited with the
Said Elizabeth Benman< no role > This name instance is in set 553. This set is in the group(s): MothersCD . taken the
10th. Instant.

Sworn this 13 Septr
1786 before us
Sampn Wright< no role > N Bond

James Talboys< no role >

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