Saint Clement Danes
to wit
Martha Beaddow< no role >
aged about 25 years
upon her Oath saith that about 4 years ago she
Intermarried with
John Beddow< no role >
her Present
Husband (who has gone and left her) at the Parish
Church of St. Brides
and by whom she hath One
Child living Vizt. Ann aged about 18 Months
that her said Husband never Rented
and lived in an
House Tenement or Lodging of Ten Pounds a yea
lived as a hired yearly Servant for One year or
served any Apprenticeship that her said Husband
Father has Rented and lived in a House in Shire Lane
in the Parish of St. Clement Danes in the County
of Middlesex for two years & upwards at the
yearly Rent of Ten Pounds & upwards
Sworn this 11th.
day of Septr. 1786
R Butler
Martha Beddow< no role >