St Clement Danes Parish:
Pauper Settlement, Vagrancy and Bastardy Exams

16th April 1785 - 12th January 1787

About this document type

Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDEP358000312

Image 312 of 3861st July 1786

Saint Clement Danes


to wit Benjamin Newman< no role > on behalf of
Ann Patterson< no role > who lies ill upon his Oath
Saith that he has been informed by the said
Ann Patterson< no role > that she is aged about 26 years
that she never was married Rented House [..] Paid
Taxes or ever lived as a hired yearly Servant that
she was bound Apprentice to a Mr. Carthra a
Mantua Maker in Boars Head Court Fleet
Street in the Parish of Saint Dunstan in the West
in the City of London by a written Agreement
executed by her Mistress her Father and the said
Ann Patterson< no role > for 12 Months that she only served
six Months of her said Time and that her said
Mistress then having no Work she left her that
she was Born in Batavia that she has done
no Act Whereby to gain any Subsequent Settlement
that her Father kept House in Mary Le Bone
Street at the Yearly Rent of £30 that he kept
said House for about Six Months ago
[..] that he hath left said House
about 16 years ago

Sworn this [..]
July 1786
N Bond M Addington

Benj: Hewman< no role >

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