City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

3rd January 1798 - 31st December 1798

About this document type

Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652380642

Image 642 of 89917th September 1798

City & Liberty
in the County
of Middlesex }

Informations of Witnesses
taken this 17th. day of Septr.
1798 in the Parish of Saint
Margaret Westminster at the
House of Mr. Willm. Hawkins< no role >
the Sign of the Red Lion in
Parliament Street Westmr before
Anthony Gell< no role > his Majesty's Coroner
for the said City and Liberty touching
the Death of Wm. Tallet< no role > then
and there lying dead is follow
to Wit.

John Tredway< no role > a Coal Porter being
sworn deposeth that on Saturday
last the 15th. Instant abot. 5 in the
Afternoon as the deceased was
taking a Coal Ladder out of
one of the Coal Bayes in order to
bring it to Mr. Medleys wharf
in Cannon Row Westminster
he laid it flat upon the side of
that and another Barge near it

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