City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

7th January 1773 - 28th December 1773

About this document type

Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652130499

Image 499 of 7506th August 1773

till he was turned and then he knew him, his Cloaths were
lying lightly on him, the Cloaths were DeyDeponent saw a
Woman sitting by the River, who told the Deponent she saw
the Deced strip himself and go in, she said the desired him
not to go in nor leave his Cloaths [..] on the Shore, but he
answered Why mayn't I go in without being interrupted.
the Woman told the Deponent that a Man in the River was
Cutting Woods and that a Gentleman was Riding by who gave
the Man a Shilling to take the Deced out of the River
the Woman said the Deced was in the Water about 10 Minutes
Deponent says when he went to the River he was Dead
the Water running out of his Month, was warm; says he
Saw no Body in the Water when he went, nor he did not
hear of any Person being Swimming there at the time the Deced
went in

The Mark of
Thomas Lindsey< no role >

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