City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

14th January 1764 - 24th December 1764

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Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652040043

Image 43 of 5056th February 1764

City and Liberty
of Westmr. in the
County of Middlesex }

Informations taken this Sixth day of
February 1764 at the Parish of St. Ann within
the Liberty of Westminster in the County of
Middlesex , on an Inquisition taken on View
of the Body of a New born Female Child lying Dead
in the said Parish Liberty and County.

William Hawkins< no role > Servant to Henry Sawkin< no role > of the Parish
of Fulham in Middlesex Gardener , in the Capacity of Carter
on his Oath saith, That on Saturday last between Eleven and
twelve o'Clock, Deponent was filling his Master's Cart with Dung
out of a Hole Covered with Boards, a little broken, in Oxford
Road , in the Parish of St. Ann within the Liberty of Westmr.
says thattwotwo Young Men stood by the Deponent some
time whilst he was filling his Cart, says that one of them
(whose name Deponent does not know) said to Deponent, take care
of your Fork, there is a Cloath underneath the Dung, upon
which Deponent looked, but could not see a Cloath or any
other thing in the Dung, Says that after moving away some
more Dung Deponent discovered a Linnen Cloath and
the Deced covered therewith, being wrapt up very tight
and tied with a String, one of the Deced's feet being out
of the said Cloth, Says that after the Cloath was opened
he saw that the Deced was Dead, and believes that she must
have been Dead some time, says that a Woman soon after
came from one of the Overseers of St. Anns Parish (as
Deponent was informed) and took away the Deced. Says
that he verily believes that no Person in passing along
Oxford Road could see the Cloath (in which the Deced was
wrapt) in the Dung.

The Mark of
William Hawkins< no role > .

George Wilkinson< no role > a Lodger at Mr. Williams a Butcher in
Duke Street Grosvenor Square on his Oath saith, That he
had been at Covent Garden Market (with John Turner< no role > ) who

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