Ordinary of Newgate Prison:
Ordinary's Accounts: Biographies of Executed Convicts
28th May 1714
no sooner was he sent to those Houses of Correction, but he presently broke out, and return'd to his wicked Trade; adding Whoredom, Adultery, and all manner of Lewdness to his Thefts and Robberies. This is what he told me himself; who was not sparing, but very free (and did not seem to be at all asham'd) to discover the many ill things he had done; which far exceed whatever I heard other Thieves of his Age ever arriv'd at. I hope, none for the future will be so unhappy, as to lead such a wicked Life, and by it come to such a shameful Death.
3. William White< no role >
, concern'd with the above-nam'd Roderick Awdry< no role > This name instance is in set 1425.
in the Robbery committed in the House of Mr. Gibson. He said, he was about 20 Years of Age, born in the Parish of St. Sepulchre
, but liv'd (for the most part of his Life) in that of St. Giles in the Fields
: That he being but Young when his Father dy'd, he liv'd with an Uncle of his, who kept a Victnalling-house at Pancras
; and then went to Sea
, and serv'd two Years alternately on Board the Cruiser and the Triumph, two Men of War. He own'd, That he was guilty of the Fact for which he was Condemn'd, but said, it was his first, and persisted a good while in that Assertion; the falseness of which, having discover'd, I plainly told him of it, and then made him confess, that he had committed several Thefts before; That he had been Burnt in the Hand once, and once Whipt, and escap'd Justice often; and, besides all this, was once Condemn'd to Die, and obtain'd the QUEEN's Pardon, which he pleaded at the Old-baily in August last, under the Name of William Ward< no role >
, by which Name he was first Condemn'd, and now own'd it to be his right Name.
Roderick Awdry< no role > This name instance is in set 1425.
, before-mention'd, was (as I found him) but little acquainted with any thing that was good, and could read very little; but this William Ward< no role >
, not at all; and was so ignorant, that he did not know (as he told me) what was meant by Sin. Upon which I endeavour'd to make him understand what it was, and what were the dismal Consequences of it; which could not be prevented, but by Unfeign'd Repentance, and Amendment of Life. This I daily instructed both him and the rest in, and earnestly exhorted them all to a constant Practice of; but whether this had its due Effect upon this young Man's dull Mind and harden'd Heart, I will not here determine, but only say, that I observ'd him shed some Tears, implore GOD's Mercy, and beg Pardon of those he had wrong'd.
NB. The first time this William White< no role >
alias Ward< no role >
receiv'd Sentence of Death, was on the 10th of July 1713
, for having stoln 60 Yards of worsted Drugget, value 4 l. out of the Shop of Mr. John Edwards< no role >
, on the 13th of June
At the Place of Execution, whither they were carry'd, all Three, in a Cart this day, I attended them for the last time; and after my usual Exhortations and Prayers, singing of Penitential Psalms, and rehearsing of the Apostles Creed, I left them to their private Devotions, for which they had some time allotted them. Then the Cart drew away, and so they were turn'd off; they all the while calling upon GOD to have Mercy upon them; to pardon their Sins, and save their Souls.
This is all the Account to be given of them, by me,
PAUL LORRAIN< no role >
, Ordinary
Note, If any be (as I hear some Persons are) offended at such Advertisements as they may meet with, and do not like, in these Papers, I must plainly tell them, that therein they do me great Injustice; for I have nothing to do with whatever comes in after my Name, -
Friday, May 28. 1714.
This Day is Publish'd, in a Pocket Volume,
MEmoirs of the Lives, Intreagues, and Comical Adventures of the most famous Gamesters, and celebrated Shapers in the Reigns of K. Charles the 2d, K. James the 2d, K. William, and Q. Anne, wherein is contain'd the secret History of Gaming, in discovering all the most sharping Tricks and Cheats us'd at Picquet, Glerk, Lantaloe, Bankafalet, Bassit, Primerl, Cribbige, Verquere, Ticktack, and all the English, French, Spanish, and Dutch Games, play'd with Cards, Dice, or Tables. The Whole calculated for the Meridians of London, Bath, Tunbridge, and the Groom-Porters, and may serve for all other Places in Great Britain. Sold by J. Brown, without Temple-bar, and F. Burleigh, in Amen-Corner.
A Water that perfectly cures the Itch, or any Itching Humour in a few Days, without necessity of Purging, or the dangerous use of Mercury, as will be attested by several Persons of sufficient Credit, pr. 1 s. 6 d. the Bottle. Prepar'd by A. Downing, Chymist, at the Golden-ball and Crown in Hand-Alley without Bishopsgate. Also a curious Preparation for the Teeth and Gums, which fasten loose Teeth, cures the Scurvy in them, and prevents their rotting, price 2 s. A Remedy for the Tooth-ach, the most general for giving effectual Ease of any yet known, price 1 s. Likewise the true Essential Spirits of Scurvy-grass, Purging and Plain, and the Spirits of Ground Ivy, at 8 d. a Bottle.
May the 8th
LEft, lost, or mislaid, A small Bundle of Books in brown Paper, containing two in Paste-board; with a Manuscript, stitch'd in three Parcels, entitul'd, The great Folly and Unreasonableness of Atheism and Irreligion expos'd to public View, in two Discourses, by Tho. Parsons< no role >
, M. A. Rector
near Worcester
. Whoever brings it to John Morphew< no role >
, near Stationers-hall
, shall have 5 Shillings Reward.
This Day is Publish'd, The Third Edition of a Conference on the Doctrine of Transubstantiation, between his Grace the Duke of Buckingham and Father Fitzgerald, an Irish Jesuit, whom K. James, II. sent in the time of his Sickness in Yorkshire, to convert him to the Romish Religion. Printed for Ferd. Burleigh< no role >
in Amen-Corner
, and A. Dod at the Peacock without Temple-bar. Price 4 d.
London Printed, and are to be Sold by J. Morphew, near Stationers-hall.