Ordinary of Newgate Prison:
Ordinary's Accounts: Biographies of Executed Convicts
28th May 1714
15. Two guilt Spoons, a Silver Punch-Ladle, a Silver Salver, 2 small Silver Candlesticks, 2 Silver Plates, 3 Silver Castors, and 4 Silver Salts, out of another House in the same Place, and about the same time.
16. A Silver Tea-pot, a Silver Coffee-pot, and a Stand, out of another House in the same Place, and near the same time also.
17. A Silver Cup, out of a House in Scotland-Yard
, about the same time.
18. Two Silver Salvers, a Silver Tankard, and other Plate, out of the Lady Edwin's House in Gerard-street
, 2 Years ago.
19. Five Silver Salvers, a Silver Caudle-Cup, and other Plate of great Value, out of a House in the
, near Tower-hill
, 2 Years ago; which Plate he sold for 36 l. being (as he told me) much less than the real Value of it.
20. A Silver Cup, out of a House in Well-Close-Square
, about 2 Years ago.
21. Two Silver Salvers, several Spoons, Forks, and other Plate of great Value, out of Esquire Butler's House in Kensington Square
, 2 Years ago. Part of which Plate was taken from him; and the rest (which was worth 50 l. as he told me) he presently dispos'd of.
22. A Silver Tankard, a Silver Salver, and other Plate, out of a Lawyer's House in
, Holbourn
, about 2 Years ago.
23. A Silver Snuff-box, and 3 Silver Tea-spoons, out of a House at Chelsea
, about 6 Months ago.
24. A Silver Tankard, out of a House at Stepney
, 4 Months since.
25. Three Silver Spoons, and a Silver Sauce-pan, out of a House in Well-Close-Square
, about 2 Months ago.
After he had discover'd so many Robberies, and said he had committed more, I desir'd he would recollect himself about them, and let me know what they were. Upon which he added these that follow, which I shall here set down in the Order he deliver'd them to me.
1. He told me, he stole 2 Silver Pint Pots, a Silver Castor, and 6 Silver Spoons, out of a House in St. James's Square
, 6 Months ago.
2. A Holland Shirt, a pair of Holland Sheets, 12 Neckcloths, 2 pair of black Silk Stockings, and 2 pair of woven Stockings, all in a Box, which he took out of a House, near the Royal-Exchange
, about 6 or 7 Months ago.
3. Two Silver Spoons out of a House in Lambs-Conduit-street
, 3 Years ago.
4. A Silver Tumbler, out of a House in an Alley, near that Place, about 2 Years ago.
5. A Marrow-Spoon, several other Spoons, and other Plate, out of a House on Tower-hill
, 2 Years ago.
6. A Silver Canister, and 2 Silver Salts out of a House at Hampstead
, about 3 Years ago.
7. Some Money and Cloaths (to the Value of 30 l.) in a Box that was ty'd before a Coach, standing at the Corner of
in Holbourn
, about that time.
8. A Box full of Shoes and Clogs in Cheapside
, about 8 Weeks since.
9. A Silver Salver, some Spoons, &c. out of a House in Piccadilly
, about 3 Years ago.
10. A white Wig, 3 Silver Spoons, a Silver Salver, and a Silver Tankard, out of a House in Goodman's Fields
, about 6 or 7 Weeks ago. But he said, that the Tankard and Salver (which he had pack'd up) he was forc'd to leave behind him, to save himself, with the other Things he had stoln.
11. A Silver Coffee-pot and Coffee-holder, out of a House in
Great Lincolns-Inn-Fields, in Holbourn-row
, about 3 Years since.
12. A Parcel of Plate, and a long white Wig, out of an another House there, and about the same time.
13. A Silver-Cup, some Silver-Salts, and other Plate, out of a French Gentleman's House in a Cross Street near Marlborough-street, towards Tyburn-Road
, about three Years ago: Which Fact he was then try'd for, and acquitted of, for want of sufficient Proof.
To these Robberies he said he might add a great many more, if he could remember all he had committed, but they were now out of his Memory.
In all which Robberies, he told me, none of the Servants or Neighbours of the Houses he thus robb'd, nor any other Persons whatsoever were concern'd: But only such, as were notorious Receivers of Stoln Goods, and known Thieves, prompted him thereto, and assisted him therein. And to all this he added, That what he had formerly sworn of Mr. Johnson's having bought the Lady Edwin's Plate, was utterly false; and he begg'd his Pardon a thousand times for the Wrong he had thus done him: Which he likewise did of all the Persons (who were many) he had any ways injur'd; wishing he could make them amends; but it was not in his power to do it otherwise, than as he pray'd GOD to forgive him his Sins, so in like manner he pray'd that He would bless them.
N.B. He was several times committed to Newgate
, and once to the Prison in the Marshalsea
: He was twice sent to the Bridewell in Turtle-fields, Westminster
, thrice Burnt in the Hand, and thrice order'd to the Bridewell in Clerkenwell
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