Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

September 1790

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS508560128

Image 128 of 142

Wright Turnall< no role > Cornchandler a deputy Constable approved by
Commee & was in at Court Street Sayd that ye
Constables have been Threatend by Mr. Blackborough
that it any of his Tenants were taken up he
would defend them that he had taken up a
known This on the 20th June he had Information
that she was at a Door at the Tent Complained that
if they were not taken up he most have his Hay
That when he took his up she was refused That
Witness got a Warrt agt. he the next Day Mr. B
granted a Warrt. agt. Witness the was said ever
to the Session this Warrt. discharged

Mr. Blackborough

Sayd the Woman alluded to was getting a
pot of Bear at Alehouse Door not solliciting
men non in any improper Act That they have
committed 20 in a Day but never indicted any
of them

Joseph Jordan< no role > Clocksmith said he is a Headborough sworn
at the Leet That abt the 20th June Mr. Turnall
in taking up a disorderly give she escaped another
Woman acknowledged sitting Witness was committed
as disorderly

That Mr. B asked Witness why he did not bring
the Watch Book to his Office he said he took it
to Mr. Triguet who believed, as Satisfied him then Mr. B said were for it [..]

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