That Mrs. Welad who attended to make a Complaint
against Mr. Blackborough had been very roughly
treated by him
That Mr. Blackborough had Threated the Constables
that if they take up Theives of prostitutes who live
in Mr Blackborough Tenements that he will protect his
Tenants and if they incorrupt then that they will be
Mr. Blackborough was called in and informed by
Yr. Commee That Mr. Friquet had made the above
Charges agt. him
And Mr. Blackborough having made some generel Complaint
agt Mr. Triquet he was asked if he had any
specified allegation to make agt. him when he said he
had but that the Court of Kings Bench was he thos the
Most proper place to make them but [..]
mentioned some Charges which were [..]
afterwards delivered in to ye am Comme in writing
Mr. Blackborough in [..] of the first Charge agt
him said he was outs of Town Had no knowledge
of the Transaction
As to the second Charge Mr. B admitted it to be partly true of
party false for finding on his Return from Ball to Town
that Bailabea committed did not come to his Office of
being informed That Mr. Triquet had agreed to give Roberts