to a Justice (the said Thomas Fellows< no role >
but he was reluctant to do so, upon
which this Informant immediately
took the said Three Men into Custody and
demanded the assistance of William
Collett< no role >
and Ogle Jennings< no role >
then present
That this Informant has on advised
of the said three Men their respective
Names and they are as follows
Thomas Maund< no role >
Thomas Maund< no role >
John James< no role >
Taken the 19th. June
1790 before me}
T. Fellows
Thos. Newman< no role >
The Examination of John Norton< no role >
above named taken upon Oath the 19th. June
1790 before Thos. Fellows< no role >
Who saith that he hath heard
the above Information read and
that he believes the same to be truth
except that in his hurry he doth
not recollect that the said Then as