The Information of Thomas Newman< no role >
of the
[..] Town of Uxbridge
in the County of Middlesex
Linen Draper
taken upon Oath that 19th. day of June 1790
before Thomas Fellows< no role >
Esqr. one of his
Majestys Justices of the Peace
in and for
the said County of Middlesex
Who saith that on the 18th. day of June
instant He this Informant went to the
House of John Norton< no role >
of Uxbridge
Inn Keeper
and the Compay then present
were suspecting three men (two in the
Bar & one in the Kitchen) of having paid
the said John Norton< no role >
and his wife
the way of a Re [..] for Lodging
Eating & Drinking)Thirteen Shillings
bad Money
That this Informant
examind the said [..]
and [..] the [..] to be Counterfeit
and of base Mettal
That this Informant immediately
advisd the said John Norton< no role >
to apply