Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

May 1785

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS507960052

Image 52 of 89


At the General Session of the Peace of
our Lord the King holden in & for the County of
Middlesex at the Session House for the said
County by adjournment on Thursday the [..]
day of May 1785.


The Parish of Westham in the County
of Middlesex EsseasAppellants

The Parish of St. Mary White Chapel
in the County of Middlesex - Respondents

By a Pass Warrt. or Order under the hands & Seals of John-
< no role > & Wm: Quarrill< no role > Esqrs. two of his Majesty's Justices of the
Peace in & for the County of Middlesex bearing date the 6th. day of
May 1785. Ann Allam< no role > Widow of Peter Allam< no role > Deceased & their 3
Children of lawful Issue Vizt. Ann< no role > aged abt. 6 Yrs. John< no role > aged abt. 3 [..]
Yr. & Elizth< no role > . aged abt.18Eighteen Months were removed & conveyed from &
out of the Parish of St. Mary White Chapel in the sd. [..]
to the Parish of Westham in the County of Essex as the Place
of their last legal Settlement On Appeal to this Session
against the said Order it appeared by Evidence on the hearing
that the Pauper Ann Allams said Husband Peter
Allam about4four Years ago hired a House in the said Parish
of Westham of the Yearly Rent & value of £8:8:0 &
resided therein will his Death which happened the 12th. Janry. 1785

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