To the Worshipful his Majesty's Justices of the Peace
for the County
of Middlesex
in their General Session of the Peace Assembled
The Humble Petition and Appeal of the Churchwardens
and Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of St
George Bloomsbury
in the said County
That by Virtue of a Pass Warrant or Order under the Hands
and Seals of Reverend
Herbert Mayo< no role >
Doctor in Divinity
William Blackmore< no role >
Esquire two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace
for the said County
(one whereof being of the Quorum) bearing date the Seventh day of May
William Seager< no role >
Mary< no role >
his Wife and their five Children Vizt.
Rebecca< no role >
Aged Ten Years
Elizabeth< no role >
Aged nine Years
Richard< no role >
Seven Years
George< no role >
Aged four Years and
Sarah< no role >
Aged five
Months were removed and Conveyed from and out of the Parish
of St. George
in the said County to the said Parish of St. George
as the Place of the last legal Settlement of
the said
William Seager< no role >
Mary his Wife and their said
five Children whereby Your Petitioners conceive themselves
Your Petitioners therefore humbly Appeal
to this Court against the Adjudication of the
said two Justices and their said Order And
Pray that your Worships will be pleased to
Appoint a day in this Present Session for the
hearing and determining the said Appeal
And Your Petitioners will Pray Etc
Herbt. Robertson< no role >
for the Appellts.