To the Church-Wardens and Overseers of the Poor of
St. Paul, Shadwell
, in the County of Middlesex
, and to
the Church-Wardens and Overseers of the Poor of the Parish
of Saint Mary at Rotherhith
in the County of Surrey
(to wit.)}
John Woodham< no role >
WHEREAS Complaint hath been made unto
Us, two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace
, acting
in and for the County of Middlesex
aforesaid, (One
whereof being of the Quorum) by the Church-Wardens
and Overseers of the Poor of the said Parish of
Saint Paul, Shadwell, That
Onner Perkins< no role >
(the Wife of
Phillip Perkins< no role >
) and their Child (Vizt)
Perkins< no role >
Aged Nine Months or thereabouts
lately intruded, and
came into the said Parish of Saint Paul, Shadwell
and are become Chargeable to the same: We
the said Justices, upon Examination of the Premises,
upon Oath, and other Circumstances, do adjudge the
same to be true, and do also adjudge the Place of the
last legal Settlement of the said Onner Perkins and
Elizabeth Perkins< no role >
to be in the said Parish of Saint
Mary at Rotherhith
in the County of Surrey
John Staples< no role >
THESE are therefore, in His Majesty's Name, to
require you, the said Church-Wardens and Overseers
of the Poor of the Parish of Saint Paul Shadwell;
on Sight hereof, to remove and convey the said
Perkins< no role >
Elizabeth Perkins< no role >
from and out of your said Parish of Saint Paul, Shadwell
to the said Parish of Saint Mary at Rotherhith
and them deliver unto the Church-Wardens and
Overseers of the Poor there, or to some or one of them,
together with this our Order, or a true Copy hereof,
who are hereby required to receive and provide for
them according to Law. Given under our
Hands and Seals this First Day of April 1785