An Account of Bread delivered to the Prisoners in
From Feby 21st. to April the
1783 Both Included at 16 Ounces P day Each Prisoner
Agreeable to An Order of Session 138 Ounces the Weight
of a ½ Peck Seal Deliverd By Thomas Lashbrook< no role >
Feby 21 170 Prisoners
22 172 do
23 166 do
24 166 do
25 170 do
26 168 do
1012 Prisoners at 16 Oz Each 16192 Ounces Equal to 117 ½ Peck Loass & 46 Oz at 1s/5d £8,,5,,10½
Feby 27 172 Prisoners Bread Fell ½ an Asize
28 172 do
Mar 1 172 do
2 169 do
3 169 do
4 157 do
5 154 do
6 154 do
7 156 do
8 158 do
9 152 do
10 152 do
11 155 do
12 144 do
2236 Prisoners at 16 Oz Each 35776 Ounces Equal To 259 ½ Peck Loass & 34 Oz at £17..16..5½
Mar 13 144 Prisoners Bread Fell 1/2 an Asize
14 140 do
15 146 do
16 141 do
17 141 do
18 142 do
19 142 do
996 Prisoner at 16 Oz Each 15,936 Ounces Equal to 115 ½ Peck Loass & 66 Oz at 1s/4d £7..13..9½
Mar 20 143 Prisoners Bread Fell ½ An Asize
21 144 do
22 144 do
23 144 do
24 142 do
25 146 do
26 150 do
27 150 do
28 151 do
1314 Prisoners at 16 Oz Each 21024 Ounces Equal to 152 & 48 Oz at 1/3½ £9..16.9