To the Worshipful His Majesty's Justices of the Peace
for the County of Middlesex
in their General Quarter
Session of the Peace assembled.
The humble Petition and Appeal of Moses Sierra< no role >
an Inhabitant of the Parish of Monkon
in the County of Middlesex
That a certain Rate or Assessment, for the Relief of the Poor
of the Parish aforesaid Intitled "A Rate or Assessment made for the
"necessary Relief of the Poor and other Purposes as mentioned in
" the several Acts of Parliament relating to the poor of the Parish
"of Monken Hadley
in the County of Middlesex
made and assessed the
"Tenth day of November 1782. being the second Rate since Easter
"for three Shillings in the pound according to the mode of the
"Rents following," was published on the Seventeenth day of the said
Month of November and Your Petitioner as well as all other Inhabitants
and Occupiers of Houses and Lands who are assessed towards such
Relief are in and by the said Rate or Assessment charged at three
Shillings in the pound on the half part of the Rent or Yearly
Value of their respective Houses and Lands.
That at the time of making of the said Rate or Assessment
The Reverend Mr. Burrows Minister of the said Parish and
William Jorden< no role >
and Taylor were Inhabitants of the said
Parish but the said Mr. Burrows William Jorden< no role >
Taylor are not nor is any or either of them by the said Rate or
Assessment charged and assessed in any Sum of Money whatsover
for the Relief of the poor of the said Parish.
That Robert Bishop< no role >
, Mrs. Monk, the Reverend Mr. Cottrell,
Mr. Cottrell Mr. Aylett, Mr Tate, Doctor
William Garrow< no role >
, Captn Campbell and
Bates in the said Rate or Assessment named and who
at the time of making the said Rate or Assessment were Inhabitants
or Occupiers of Houses or Lands in the said Parish are and each of them
is charged and assessed towards the said Relief in lesser Sums of Money
than each of them eight to be in respect of other Inhabitants and
Occupier's of Houses and Lands in the said Parish who are charged and
assessed towards the said Relief.