Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

June 1780

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS507260082

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"Intent to assemble themselves again, in order to proceed to the Commission
"of the like Acts of violents. And Whereas we think it necessary that
"His Majestys Justices of the peace for the County of Middlesex and City
"and Liberty of Westminster should be called upon at this time to exert
"their utmost diligence in the discharge of their respective dutys not only
"to suppress but to prevent all Riotous Meetings and Tumultuous
"Assemblies We do therefore in his Majestys name and by His express
"Command hereby pray and require your Grace to call upon the said
"Justices for the County of Middlesex and the City and Liberty of Westminster
"and to signify His Majestys Pleasure to them that they do within their
"respective divisions taking with them such assistance as they shall judge
"necessary cause the most strict and diligent search to be made for all
"idle and disorderly persons and them having found They are forthwith
"to apprehend and secure that they may be dealtwith according to Law
"and the said Justices are in like manner required to make the most
"diligent search in all public Houses and other places where they shall
"have reason to suspect that any Guns Pistols or other offensive Weapons
"may be concealed and to seize and secure the same. And so not
"doubting of your Grace's ready compliance herewith We bid your Grace
"very heartily farewell. From the Council Chamber Whitehall this
"ninth day of June 1780

Bathurst P
"Geo Germain< no role >
"C. Spencer

"His Grace the Duke of Northumberland
"Lord Lieutt. and Custos Rotulorum of
"the County of Middlesex and of the City and
"Liberty of Westminster

"After our very hearty Commendations to your Grace
"Whereas Information hath been received that many persons who have
"been concerned in the late Rebellious Tumults some of whom are wounded
"have fled and are still flying from this Metropolis to the intent that they
"may conceal themselves with the Plunder they have taken; We are
"thereore to signify to Your Grace His Majesty's Commands that you

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