Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

June 1780

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS507260078

Image 78 of 107


Hicks Hall 6th, June 1780

Minutes of a General Meeting of His Majestys
Justices of the Peace for the County of Middlesex

Sir John Hawkins< no role > Knight in the Chair
The Reverend Sir George Booth< no role > Baronet

Sir Charles Gould< no role > KnightJohn Walford< no role > Esquire
Thomas Cogan< no role > Esquire Jonan Durden< no role > Esquire
David Walker< no role > Esquire Thomas Brooksbank< no role > Esquire
Charles Triquet< no role > Esquire Joseph Girdler< no role > Esquire
James Penleaze< no role > Esquire John Staples< no role > Esquire
Jasper Clarke< no role > Esquire Wm. Blackmore< no role > Esquire
George Allcock< no role > EsquireJohn Spiller< no role > Esquire
John Sherwood< no role > Esquire James Spagg< no role > Esquire

Information having been given to the Magistrates now
here assembled that a number of persons are riotously assembled
in Virginia Street in the Tower Division and are now actually
pulling down several Houses, and also that there are many Roman
Catholic Schools about Red Lyon Square and parts adjacent to
Hicks Hall

Resolved it is the opinion of this Meeting from
the situation of Hicks Hall from whence the Magistrates can be
easily detashed for the preservation of the public peace in different
parts of the County as occasion may require it is most expedient
to a main at Hicks Hall

Eleven O Clock

Resolved that Mr Staples and Mr. Clarke do
forthwith repair to Virginia Street in order to suppress the Riot tha [..]

12 past Eleven O Clock

Resolved that Mr Wilde High Constable of us
Holborn Division together with his Petty Constables amounting to
between Thirty and Forty do forthwith go to the Guildhall Westminster
and act under the direction of the Justices there for the protection of
the avenues to the House of Lords and Commons or in any other fource
for the preservation of the public peace and the said Mr Wilde with
the Constables aforesaid were sent accordingly under the direction of

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