6 o Clock Mr Gustey Deputy to Mr. Watl
High Constable of Holbr. Distr. and
a Constable of the Con. Divn. to sent to told
Russian £ Partuguace Minister Housein order
to commanunder the direction of Mr Silby
Mr Spiller informed the Meeting that
600 people with flags and Cockades
had just handed thro Spitalfields
had gone peaceably along [..] into White
M 80 o Clock the Gent adjournedtotill 10 tomorrow
Charles Eyles< no role >
Daniel Hinley< no role >
Charles Silver< no role >
Peter Stocken< no role >
Sworn In Constable
, till the
next Session of the peace for the
County of Middlesex
Sir John Hawkins< no role >
Hc. & Thos
Brooksbank< no role >
. 6th: June 1780
Sir Jno. adjourned at 12 to
Northumberland House