Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

June 1780

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS507260066

Image 66 of 107

17th June

and libty of
Westr . to consult
on the most
proper means
to prevent any
Riot or disturbance
onthat daymonday next & to
secure free
excess to Pt.

His Grace opened the business of the Meeting
by stating that he had receivedthea
requiring in Greenforth with to appr. on Mutt of
the [..] Magistrates of the County of Middx cilp &
fallLu funn Lord Stromont one of the and
that he had in consequence thereof convend
the present Meeting; and her grace
desiring the said Le might he had the
Read the Lord or follows
same warrand accordingly as follows
Here take in the Little

Resolved unanimously that his Majesty's
Justices of the peace now present will on monday next use
their utmost endeavourson Monday next
to present on monday yr any susaultuous Assembly
prevent any disturbance and to secure
free access to parliament by guarding
every a same and suffering no concourse
of People to assemble on any pretence whatsoever
Resolved it is the opinion of this Meeting
that the most of the [..] means to prevent
any disturbance and to secure free access
to punishment will be for his Majestys
Justices of the peace for the said County

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