By the King.
WHEREAS it hath been represented to Us, That a great Number of Persons, in Consequence of
Advertisements or Hand Bills inciting them thereto did, on Friday last the Second of this instant
June, assemble in a Riotous and Tumultuous Manner in
Saint George's Fields
, in the County of Surry
from whence they proceeded in several Bodies to
Palace Yard
, Westminster
, surrounded both Houses of
, and possessed themselves of the Avenues to the same, (the said Houses of Parliament being
then sitting), where they continued in a Riotous and Tumultuous Manner, committing great Outrages
and Violence against several of Our Subjects, and feloniously taking Money from them; after which,
in the Evening of the same Day, they insulted and attacked the Houses of some of the publick Ministers of Foreign
Princes and States, residing at Our Court, and broke into, spoiled, and set Fire to Chapels, which in every civilized
Country are allowed to such publick Minister for the free Exercise of the Religion of their Country, to the great Scandal
and Offence of all truly pious and good Protestants; We therefore, in Order that the Reproach of so frantick and atro-
cious an Outrage against the Precepts of Religion, as well as the Obligations of all Laws, may not remain a Disgrace to
Our Kingdom, but may be confined to the Authors, A bettors, and Perpetrators of the said Outrage, and that they may
be brought to speedy and condign Punishment, and that such dangerous and wicked Practices may hereafter be pre-
vented, have thought fit, by and with the Advice of Our Privy Council, to publish and declare Our Resolution to
put the Laws in Force against such Offences: And We do hereby enjoin and require all Justices of the Peace
, Sheriffs,
Mayors, Bailiffs, Constables, and all other Our loving Subjects, to be aiding and assisting to the utmost of thir Power
in suppressing such illegal and tumultuous Assemblies, and in detecting, apprehending, and Justice the Persons