Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

April 1760

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS504820112

Image 112 of 119

To the Church-Wardens and Overseers of the Poor
of the Parish of St. Andrew, Holborn ,
above the Bars, in the County of Middlesex :
And to the Church-Wardens and Overseers
of the Poor of the Parish of Saint Mary
Le Bone in the said County

Middlesex .
Stepn: Clarke< no role >
Saunders Welch< no role >

WHEREAS Complaint hath been made unto Us two of
His Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of
Middlesex (whereof one is of the Quorum) by the Church-
Warden and Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Saint Andrew,
Holborn, above the Bars , in the said County: That Mary Haynes< no role >
Wife of Richard Haynes< no role > Silkdyer (now at Sea)
And William< no role > their Son aged One Year are
lately come into the said Parish, endeavouring to settle there con-
trary to Law: And it appeareth unto Us the said Justices, and
we do adjudge, That they are likely to become chargeable
to the said Parish, and upon Examination of the said Mary
< no role > taken upon Oath, it
father appeareth unto Us, and we do likewise adjudge, That
the Parish of Saint Mary Le Bone aforesd:
in the sd. County
As the Place of the last legal Settlement of the said
Richard Haynes< no role > Mary his Wife & William their
These are therefore in His Majesty's Name, to charge and Com-
mand the Church-Warden and Overseers of the Poor of the said
Parish of Saint Andrew, Holborn, above the Bars , forthwith to
remove and convey the said Mary Haynes< no role > & William
her Son
from the said Parish of Saint Andrew, Holborn, above the Bars,
to the said Parish of Saint Mary Le Bone
and deliver them
to the Church-Wardens and Overseers of the Poor there, or to
some or one of them, who are hereby required to provide for
them according to Law: Given under our Hands and
Seals the 25th Day of February One Thousand
Seven Hundred andFifty Sixty

Printed by E. OWEN, in Hand-Court, Holborn .

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