to wit}
Be it remembred that on the thirty first day of
March in the thirty third year of the Reign of our Sovereign
Lord George the second by the grace of god of great Britain France &
Ireland King Defender of the Faith Etc
William Bristew< no role >
James Baldow< no role >
Church Wardens of the parish of Acton
in the said County at Action in the said
County do bring unto one
Samuel Wegg< no role >
Esquire one of the Justices of our said
Lord the king assigned to keep the peace within the said County and also
to hear & determine divers Felonies Trespasses & other misdemeanors in the
said County committed, the body of one
Elizabeth Cooke< no role >
& do complain unto
me the Justice aforesaid and give me to be informed that on the Thirteenth
day of march in the year aforesaid she the said
Elizabeth Cooke< no role >
and begging was delivered of a Male Wastard Child at Action aforesaid in
the County aforesaid and that thereby she the said
Elizabeth Cook< no role > This name instance is in set 453. This set is in the group(s): MothersPS .
become chargeable & is now chargeable to the said parish of Acton
that she the said
Elizabeth Cooke< no role >
had not then now
[..] hath any
lawfull settlement in the said parish of action and thereupon they the
said Churchwardens of the parish aforesaid do pray of me the
Justice aforesaid that for themselves and for the other Inhabitants
of the parish aforesaid a due ready may be provided & that Justices
may be done in that behalf according to the form of the statute in
that case made which complaint Information & prayer by me the
Justice aforesaid being heard I the said
Samuel Wegg< no role >
at acton
[..] the said