always acknowledged herself and was Reputed to be
a Singlewoman
Sworn the day and year
abovementioned before
Me Jno. Feary< no role >
The mark of
Ann Sommers< no role >
19th. March 1760
The Information of John Mills< no role >
to Ld. Egremont
taken and acknowledged the day and year before
This Informant saith that Ann Keppell< no role > This name instance is in set 406. This set is in the group(s): MothersPS .
delivered to
him a Key in the Gatehouse Prison
, and told him
that she had divers Child bed Linnen in a Cupboard
Lord Egremonts Kitchen which she hand provided for
the use of the Child of which she was delivered
which Key he gave to Mary Mills< no role >
his fellow
Sworn the day and year
abovementioned before Me
Jno. Feary< no role >
Jno Mills< no role >