Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

July 1757

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS504630026

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Colnbrook , and the same at South Mims , and
Endfield , and from those Places Receive and
Convey all such Vagabonds as shall be there
lodged through this County whose Passes
shall so direct, and deliver all such Vagrants
whose Settlements are in this County at the
Places mentioned in their respective Passes;
and all such Vagabonds shall be Conveyed by
the said James Sturges Adams< no role > in Covered

That the said James Sturges Adams< no role > be
paid by the Treasurer of this County, for the
Conveying the said Vagabonds Monthly
the sum of £16.13s.4d. for every Calender
Month, and also for the Subsistance of such
Vagrant as shall be lodged at his House, two
two-pence per Day, and three-pence per
Day for those lodged at Staines , Colnbrook ,
South Mims , and Endfield , so as such Sub-
sistance shall not amount to more that Six-
pence each Person for those received at the
Contractors House, nor to exceed Nine-pence
per Head for those lodged at Staines , Coln-
brook , South Mims , and Endfield , and less in
Proportion to the Time of their Lodgment
at the said Places: And also the said James Sturges Adams< no role > shall be allowed Six-pence
for the Subsistence of every Vagabond by
him conveyed, except those who being ap-
prehended in Town, shall have their Settle-
ment within the Bills of Mortality for which

Vagabonds no Allowance of any Kind shall
be made.

That an Account of all Vagabonds
conveyed by the said James Sturges Adams< no role > ,
be laid before the Court on the County Day
of every Sessions, and at every General Quar-
ter Sessions for the City and Liberty of West-
minster, as directed by the Order of Sessions
of July 14th, 1757, only for the future dis
tinguishing the Accounts of those passed
from the Bridewell and Lodgments in Town,
from those conveyed from Staines , Colnbrooke ,
South Mims and Endfield , and also seperating
the Accounts of the Subsistance Money paid
which Accounts should also be delivered at
every Sessions with the other Lifts. And
such Lifts and Account of Subsistance to be
verified upon Oath, if required, and Oath to
be made upon the Back of every Order of
conveying of the Delivery of the Vagabonds
therein mentioned.

And your Committee are of Opinion,
that if the Magistrates within the Bills of
Mortality within this County would adopt
the Method practiced by the Magistrates of
the City of London in allowing only two
Shillings for apprehending a Vagabond, and
in other Respects conform themselves to the
Resolutions of this Court, the whole Charge
arising from the Article of Vagabonds would
be reduced to little more than one third of

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