Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

July 1747

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS503790095

Image 95 of 9622nd June 1747

To the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor
and the rest of his Majestys Justices of Oyer
and Terminer and General Goal delivery of
Newgate held for the County of Middlesex }

The Humble Petition of John Harvey< no role >


That your Petitioner on his coming to London in April last was apprehended and
Commited to Newgate on Suspicion of his being one of the persons required to Surrender by his
Majestys Order in Council published in the London Gazett & of the 17th of Janry last for Smuggling

That your Petitioner was on the 22d. of June last brought to the Kings Bench
And Tryed there as a person Convicted and Attainted by verdict and Judgment of Felony But
It appearing to the Court that the Act of Parliament had not been Strictly pursued your
Petr. was acquited Yet he has been ever since Confined in Newgate

That your Petr was and is Intirely Inocent of the fact wherewith he is

Your Petitioner therefore most humbly prays this
Honourable Court will be pleased to Order that
Your Petr may be Tryed for the sd Fact or be discharged from his Imprisonment
this present Sessions or Make such other Order
therein as this Honourable Court Shall think fit

And your Petr Shall ever pray

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