At the General Quarter Session of the peace of our sovereign Lord
the King holden for the County of Middx at Hicks hall in St. John
in the County aforesaid by adjornment on Friday the
eighth day of July in the eleventh year of the reign of our
Sovereign Lord George the second King of Great Britain Etc
the Justices next under named and from thence
Edward Barker< no role >
Alexander Garrett< no role >
William Booth< no role >
Richard Farmer< no role >
& other their Follows Justices of our
said Lord the King assigned to keep the peace in the County
aforesaid and also heare & determine divers felonys trespasses
& other misdeeds committed in the same County,
Upon hearing of the appeal of the Churchwardens & Overseers
of the poor of the parish of St. James
within the Liberty of
in this County of Middx against an Order under the hands
and seals of John Poulson< no role >
& William Hayton< no role >
Esquires two of his
Majesty's Justices of the peace for the same Countyof Middxbearing
date the thirtyeth day of June last whereby Ann Clapham< no role >
about eleven years Margaret < no role >
aged about seven years & Mary < no role >
aged aboutyearsfour years therein mentioned to be the children of Robert Clapham< no role >
of Swallow Street
in the said parish of St. James
were removed from the Liberty of Saffron hill
Hatton Garden
Ely Rents
in the parish of St. Andrew Holbourn
in this County to
the said parish of St. James
within the Liberty of Westminster
called in the said Order the parish of St. James
in the
said County as the place of the last legal settlement of the said Ann
Clapham< no role >
Margaret Clapham< no role >
& Mary Clapham< no role >
and whither by
Law they ought to be sent, And upon hearing of what was
alledged by Councel for the Churchwarden & Overseers of the poor
of the said Liberty of Saffron hill
Hatton Garden
and Ely Rents in
the said parish of St. Andrew Holbourn
& also by Councell for the
Churchwardens & Overseers of the poor of the said parish of St.
This Court doth allow of the said appeal, And doth
vacate & discharge the aforesaid Order of the said two Justices of
the peace, and the same is hereby vacated & discharged accordingly
And this Court doth Order that the Overseers of the poor of the
said parish of St. James
do forthwith remove & convey the said Ann
Clapham< no role >
Margaret & Mary from their said parish to the Said
Liberty of Saffron hill
Hatton Garden
& Ely Rents and deliver them
to the Churchwarden & Overseers of the poor of the same Liberty