To the Right Worshipfull his Majesties Justices
of the peace
of the County of Middx
in General
Quarter Sessions Assembled
The humble petition & Appeal of the Church-Wardens
and Overseers of the poor
of the parish of Leatherhead
the County of Surry.
That by Vertue of a Warrant or Order under the hands and Seals
of Owen Davies< no role >
and Richard Manley< no role >
two of his Majesties
Justices of the peace
for the City and Liberty of Westminster
in the
County of Middx (one whereof is of the Quorum) bearing
date the twenty eighth day of Aprill last John Jayle< no role >
Anne < no role >
Wife and their Child named John < no role >
aged about Ten Years were
removed and conveyed from and out of the parish of St. Margaret
in the said County of Middx to the said parish of
in the County of Surry aforesaid as the place of the
last legal Settlement of the said John Jayle Anne his wife
and John their Child.
Your Petitioners conceiving themselves aggrieved by
the said Warrant or Order of the said two Justices
of the peace humbly appeal to this Court against
the same and pray this Court will appoint a
day this present sessions for the Churchwardens
and Overseers of the poor of the parish of St.
Margaret Westmr. aforesaid and all other
parties concerned to attend this Court to hear
and abide the Judgement & Determination of
this Court touching the said Appeal
And your petitioners shall pray Etc