To wit.
To the Churchwarden and Overseers of the Poor of theLiberty of Saffron
Hatton Garden
& Ely Rents
in the parish of St Andrew Holbourn
in the saidCountyofMiddlesex
And to the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of theParish
ofSt. James Westminster
in theSaid CountyAnd to every of them, And to all
others,whom these may concern
J Poulson
WHEREAS it appeareth unto Us, Two of His Majesty's Justices of the
Peace for theSaid County
whereof one is authorized and appointed by the Statute To be a (Quorum) By the
complaint of the Churchwarden and Overseers of the Poor of theSd. Liberty of Saffron
Hatton Garden
and Ely Rents
in the saidParish of St Andrew
Ann Clapham< no role >
aged about Eleven Years,
Margaret < no role >
aged about Seven
Years, and
Mary < no role >
aged about Four Years the Children of
Clapham< no role >
of Swallow Street
in the said parish of St. James Westmr.
Lately come, and intruded into the saidLiberty of Saffron Hill
Hatton Garden
Ely Rents
Endeavouring to Gain a Settlement there Contrary to Law
andarebecome a Great Charge to the saidLiberty & parish of St. Andrew
which we adjudge to be true, And whereas,upon due Enquiry by as Made
into the Premisses upon the Oath and Examination of
Kitchiner< no role >
It appears unto us that the said
Ann Clapham< no role >
Margaret Clapham< no role >
Mary Clapham werelast legally Settled in the saidParish
ofSt. James Westminster
and thatthey have not
nor any one of them hathSince gain'd any legal Settlement
elsewhere: Therefore We the said Justices upon the Proof aforesaid,and other
Circumstances, do Adjudge and Deem the Place of the last legall Settlement of the
Ann Clapham< no role >
Margaret Clapham< no role >
& Mary Claphamto be in the
saidParishofSt.James Westmr
And whither by Lawtheyought to be Sent.
W. Hayton
THESE are therefore in His Majesty's Name strictly to Charge and
Command you the said Churchwarden and Overseers of the Poor of the said
Liberty of Saffron Hill
Hatton Garden
& Ely Rents
in the sd. parish of St. Andrew
or either of you, forthwith to remove and Convey the said
Ann Clapham< no role >
Margaret Clapham< no role >
Mary Clapham< no role >
from and out or your saidLibertyofSaffron Hill
& in and to the
saidParishofSt. James Westminster
deliverthem(Together with this Precept) To the Churchwardens and Overseers
of the Poor there, or some, or one of them, who are hereby required to receive
and provide forthemaccording to Law. Given under our Hands
and Seals, thethirtiethDay ofJunein the
Eleventh Year of the Reign of our SovereignLord George
the Secondby the Grace of God of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland,
KingDefender of the Faith and to forth, And in the Year of our Lord
One Thousand Seven Hundred andthirty Seven
Sold by T. Bradley, Stationer
, at Furnivels-Inn Holborn