The following Officers area summoned to attend
Hicks Hall this present Sessions.
Monday the 8th, & Thursday
9 th{ Mathew Bray< no role >
John Bray< no role >
Wednesday 10 th. & Thursday
18 th. {Thos. Ivy< no role >
Jno. Taylor< no role >
Milendold Town
Friday 12 th, & Saturday 13 th.{Edwd. Allington< no role >
Friday 12 th. & saturday 13 th.{John Barlow< no role >
Find 40s. for not attend}
Holy welstreet in the
Parish of Shoreditch
It any neglect their duty I desire you will acquaint
the Court that they may be punished they having all
been duly summoned to appear at mine o'Clock each day Pray send me a Letter as soon
as possible when the adjournment day will be,
Your humble Servt.
Phil. Betty< no role >
Lime house
th. 1735.