On Monday 8th. day of Dec 1735
Upon application made unto this Court by several of the Trustees
for putting the Act of Parliament touching the repair of the high
ways leading from the Stones end towards Highgate Gate house &
Hamstead in execution (the Roads in the Parishes of St. James
and St. John Clerkenwell
in this County being
part of the said high ways) This Court doth Order & appoint
on Friday the twelfth day of December instant at [..] ten of
the clock in the forenoon of the same day at Hick's hall
in St.
John street
in the Said Countyto allett, appoint and, Order
such and so many of the several persons named [..]
the respective
Lists (delivered for this Purpose into the Court of General Quarter Sessions of the
peace for this County pursuant to an Act of Parliament in such
case made by the respective surveyors of the high ways in the
said respective Parishes)of the names of the several Parishes
Persons who within the same Parishes are obliged to do their
statute work for this yeare with their Teams & Draught or
otherwise as also the Number of Days work
to allott appoint and Order such and so many of the several Persons named in the
to allott appoint and Order such and so many of the several
said respective Lists
Persons named in the said respective Liststo do their statute
work in this present yeare wilth their Teams & Draughts or otherwise and the number of days work upon the high ways in the said
respective parishes leading to Highgate Gatehouse & Hampsond
in the said County directed by an Act of Parliament to berepaid
as the Justices of the Peace for the said County to be then assembled
at Hick's hall
aforesaid or the major part of them shall thinkfit
in such manner as by a late Act of Parliament in Such case
made is directed, and this Court doth Order that Edward Hickman< no role >
& Edward Lee< no role >
Surveyors of the highways in the said Parish of St.
and nathaniel Larkms< no role >
& Richard Haston< no role >
Surveyors of the high ways in the said Parish of Saint John
do attend this Court at the time & Place
aforesaid touching the Promisses, Andthatthey are at
lilberty to have Councel for them if they think fit,