Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

December 1735

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS503130059

Image 59 of 8330th October 1735


At the General Session of the peace of our Sovereign Lord
the King holden for the County of Middx at Hicks hall in St.
John Street in the County aforesaid by adjornment on
Friday the twelfth day of December in the ninth yeare of
the reign of our sovereign Lord George the second King of
Great Britain France & Ireland Defender of the Faith
before Richard Newton< no role > Anthony Chamberlain< no role > William Booth< no role >
Andrew Osborne< no role > Esqrs & other their Fellows Justices of our said
Lord the King assigned to keep the peace in the County aforesaid
and also to heare & determine divers felonys trespasses &
Other misdeeds committed in the same County,

Upon hearing of the appeale of the Churchwardens and
Overseers of the poor of the parish lof St. Bartholomew the
Great London against an Order under the hands & seales of
Oliver Lambart< no role > & John Ludbey< no role > Esqrs. two of his Maties
Justices of the peace (whereof one is of the Quorum) for the
City & Liberty of Westminster in the County of Middx bearing
date the thirtyeth day of October last whereby Mary Lankslow< no role >
widow who was like to become chargeable unto the parish of St.
James within the said Liberty of Westminister in the same
County was removed from the said parish of St. James to the
said parish of St. Bartholomew the Great as the last legal
place of her settlement, And upon hearing of what was alledged
by Councel for the Churchwardens & Overseers of the poor of the
said parish of St. James and also by Councel for the
Churchwardens & Overseers of the poor of the said parish of
St. Bartholomew the Great This Court doth disallow of the
said appeale And doth ratify & confirm the aforesaid Order of
the said two Justices of the peace, and the same is hereby-
ratifyed & confirmed accordingly,

By the Court

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