At the General Sessions of the peace of our Sovereign Lord the King holden
for the county of Middlesex
at Hicks-hall in Saint John Street
in the County aforesaid
by Adjornment on Fryday the twelfth day of December in the ninth year of the
Regn of our Sovereign Lord George the Second King of Great Britain
France and Ireland Defender of the Faith before
Richard Newton< no role >
Anthony Chamberlain< no role >
William Booth< no role >
. and others their Fellows
Justices of our said Lord the King Assigned to keep the peace in the County
aforesaid and also to hear and determine divorce Felonys Trespassed and
other misdeeds committed in the same County.
Upon hearing of the Appeale of the Churchwardens and Overseers of the poor
of the parish of Saint Mary of Stratford Bow
in this County against an Order
under the hands and Seales of Stephen Martin< no role >
Lease and John priestly< no role >
two of his Majesties Justices of the peace of the said County (one whereof is of the
Quorum) bearing date the Second day of this Instant December whereby John
Morgan< no role >
and Jane< no role >
his wife
and William< no role >
their Son about one year old were
removed from the Hamlet of Mile End Old Towne in this County to the said
parish of Saint Mary of Stratford Bow
as the place of their last legall Settlement
And upon hearing what was insisted upon by Councell for the Inhabitants of
the said Hamlet of Mile End Old Towne and also by Councell for the Inhabitants
of the said parish of Saint Mary of Stratford Bow
, For That it doth not appeare to this
Court that the said John Morgan< no role >
Jane his wife and William their Son had at
the time of making the said Order of removall or at any time since any legal
Settlement in the said parish of Saint Mary of Stratford Bow
This Court doth allow
of the said Appeale, and doth Vacate and discharge the aforesaid Order of the
said two Justices of the peace, And doth order that the Overseers of the poor of
the said parish of Saint Mary of Stratford Bow
do forthwith remove and Convey
the said John Morgan< no role >
and Jane his wife
and William their said Son from their
said parish to the said Hamlet of Mile End old Towne and deliver them to the
Churchwarden and Overseers of the poor of the said Hamlet of Mile End Old Towne
or one of them with a Copy of this Order who are hereby required to receive the
said John Morgan< no role >
Jane his wife and William their Ton into their Care and to
provide for them as for other poor at the Charge of the Inhabitants of the
said Hamlet of Mile End Old Towne until they can Free themselves from
the Charge thereof by due course lof Law.
By the Court