To the Right Worshipfull and Majesties Justices of the peace
for the County of Middlesex
at their General Sessions of the
peace Assembled
The Humble petition and Appeal of the Church
wardens and Overseers of the poor
of the parish of
saint Mary of Stratford Bow
in the said County
That by a warrant or Order under the hands and Seals of
Martin< no role >
Lease and
John priestley< no role >
two of his Majesties Justices of
the peace
for the said County of Middlesex
(one being of the Quorun)
bearing date the second day of this Instant December whereby
John Morgan< no role >
Jane< no role >
his wife
William< no role >
his Son about one Year
Old were removed from the Hamlet of mile end old Towne in the parish
of Stepney
in the said County to the said parish of Saint Mary of Stratford
of the place of their last legal Settlement
By which said to warrant or Order of the said
two Justices your petitioners conceive
themselves Agrieved and humbly appeal to
this Court against the same praying such
releife in the promised as to your worshipps
shall seem meet
And yor peticoners will Ever pray