Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

December 1735

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS503130049

Image 49 of 8331st October 1735

To the Right Worshipfull his Maties Justices of the peace for the
County of Middx in General Sessions Assembeld

The Humble Petition and appeal of the
Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the
Parish of St: Botolph without Aldgate in
the sd: County of Midle


That by a Warrant or Order dated the twenty ninth day of
November last under the hands and Seals of Richard Farmer< no role >
and Clifford William Phillipps< no role > Esqrs: two of his Maties Jutices
of the peace for the sd. County of Middx (one being of the Quorum)
Alice< no role > the wife of Richard Ruston< no role > together with two Children
(that is to say) Sarah< no role > aged one year and a half and John< no role > aged
Three Months the Lawfull Issue of the sd: Richard Ruston< no role > and
Alice his wife were removed from the parish of St: Mary
Whitechapple in the sd: County to the Parish of St: Bottolph
without Aldgate in the County of Middx as the place of their last legall Settlement

That yor: Petitioners find themselves agreived
by the Warrant or Order of the sd: two Justices and
humbly Appeale against the same

G Merdel
Attor for the Appls}

Yor: Petrs: therefore humbly prays you will
be pleased to order the Churchwardens and
Overseers of the poor of the sd. parish of St: Mary
WhiteChapple & all other persons Concerned to
Attend this Court some day this present Sessions
to hear & abide the Judgement and determination
of this Court touching the sd: Prmes and that your
Petrs: may have such releif there in as to Justices
and Law doth appertain

And yor: Petrs: shall ever Pray Etc:

Com Barrow
Saml: Jordan< no role > } Churchwardens

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