Midd. ss.
John Milner< no role >
Robt Hucks< no role >
WHEREAS Complaint has been made unto
us two of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace
for the County of Middlesex
one being of the Quorum(Quor unus)by
the Church-wardens and Overseers of the Poor of the Parish
ofSt. Giles
in ye. fieldsin the said County, That
Henry Underdown< no role >
Ann< no role >
his wife
& George< no role >
their Child aged about seven months are
lately come into the said Parish endeavouring to Settle
there, contrary to Law. And it appeareth unto us the
said Justices, and we do adjudge Thatthey arelikely
to become Chargeable to the said Parish, and upon Exami-
nation ofthe said Henry Underdown
taken upon Oath, it further appeareth unto us,
and we do likewise adjudge, Thatthe Parish of
St. Ann
in the Liberty of Westmr in the said
Countyis the Place of the last legal
Settlement of the saidHenry Underdown & his
wife & Child
These are therefore in His Majesty's Name to Charge and
Command the Church-wardens and Overseers of the Poor
of the said Parish ofSt. Giles in the fields
forthwith to remove and convey the saidHenry Underdown
& his wife & Child
from the said Parish ofSt. Giles in the fields
to the said
Parish ofSt. Ann Westmr
and deli-
verthemto the Church-wardens and Overseers of the
Poor there, or to some or one of them who are hereby re-
quired to provide forthemaccording to Law; Given un-
der our Hands and Seals the 28 Day ofOctober 1735
Anno Dom.
To the Church-wardens and Overseers of
the Poor of the respective Parishes of
St. Giles in the Fields
in the County of Middlesex
andSt. Ann
in the Liberty of Westmr.
in the said County
and to all other Officers whom it may