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To the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the
Parishof Saint Luke
in theCountyofMiddlesex
and to the Church-wardens and Overseers of the Poor of the
Parish ofSaint Savior in Southwark
Thos Robe
Whereas Complaint hath been made by you the Church-wardens
and Overseers of the Poor of the said Parish ofSt. Luke
in the County of Middlesex
unto Us whose Hands
and Seals are hereunto set, two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace
(whereof one is of the Quorum) for theCountyaforesaid,
Jemima Ingram< no role >
aged about
fourteen years hath
lately intrudedherselfinto your said Parish ofSaint Luke
there to inhabit as a Parishioner contrary to the Laws relating to
the Settlement of the Poor, andisthere like to become charge-
able, if not timely prevented: And Whereas, upon due Examina-
tion and Enquiry made into the Premises,as also upon the
Oath of
Francis Albone< no role >
it appears unto Us, and We accordingly adjudge, That the said
Jemima Ingram< no role >
like to become chargeable unto the said Parish ofSaint Luke
in Middlesex
and that the last legal Place
of Settlement of the said
Jemima Ingram< no role >
is in the said Parish of
St. Savior in Southwark
in the Borough
of the Southwark
These are therefore in his Majesty's Name, to order and require you
the said Church-wardens and Overseers of the Poor of the said Parish of
St. Luke
in Middlesex
aforesaid, that you,
or some of you, do forthwith remove and convey the said
Jemima Ingram< no role >
in Middlesex
to the said Parish ofSt. Sa
in the Borough
of Southwark
to the Church-wardens and Overseers of the Poor there, or some or
one of them, together with this our Warrant, or Order, or a true
Copy hereof; whereby they are likewise required in his Majesty's
Name, and by Virtue of the Statutes in such Cafe made, forthwith to
receive the said
Jemima Ingram
into their saidParishand provide forher
as their own Parishioner. Given under our Hands and Seals, the
eighteenthDay ofOctoberin the Year of our
Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred andthirty five.
Sold by J. COLES, Stationer, in Fleet-Street