Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

January 1734

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502970107

Image 107 of 14618th August 1733

And whereas by an Order made by the said Court on the
said eighth day of October last the hearing & determining
of the said appeale was adjourned untill this present
Generall Quarter Sessions of the peace holden for the sd.
County of Middx And It was thereby Ordered that the-
Churchwardens & Overseers of the poor of the sd. parish of
St. John Wapping (upon notice of the said Order) and all
persons concerned should attend the Court of this present
Generall Quarter Sessions of the peace holden for the same
County by adjornment on Tuesday the fifteenth day
of January instant at ten of the clock in the forenoon
to heare of abide the Judgment & determination of-
the same Court touching the said appeale, And
whereas upon motion made unto this Court on the said
fifteenth day of January instant by Councell for the sd. Appellants praying that the hearing
of the said appeale may beadj further adjourned
This Court
on hearing of what was alledged by Mr. Theed of Councell
for the Churchwardens & Overseers of the poor of the said
Parish of St. John Wapping didDothOrder that unless the said Appleants should payon paying
unto them or one of them in order to have the said appele adjourned the sum of twenty shillings
by the said Appeallnts foron this present Wednesday the
Sixteenth day of January instant before two of the clock
in the afternoonfor casts of attending with Councell &
unto the Churchwardens & Overseers of the-
poor of the said parish of St: John Wapping or one of
them for their costs of attending this Court with
Councell & witnesses to maintain the said Order of
removall, the said appeale, should [..] be dismissed, And It-
being alledged by the said Mr. Theed on this Sixteenth day
of January instant before the riseing of the Court that the
said costs are not paid accordingly And neither the said
Appellants nor any of them nor any other person on their
behalfe now appearing to prosecute the said appeale-
This Court doth thereupon dismiss the said appeale And-
doth ratify & confirm the aforesaid order of removall and the
same in here by ratifyed & confirmed accordingly,

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