Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

January 1734

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502970102

Image 102 of 14611th January 1734

To his Majesty's Justices of the Peace
now sitting at Hicks hall in St. John Street

The humble Petition and Appeale
of the Churchwarden and Overseer of
the poor of the hamlet of Milend
Old Town in the parish of Stepney
in the County of Middx.


That By and Order Dated the 11th. of Janry. ry : 1733. under the hands
and Seals of Andrew Osborne< no role > and Ri. Farmer< no role >
Esqrs. two of his Majesty's Justices of the peace
for the said County (one being of the Quorum)
Mary Mullet< no role > and her son named John< no role > aged
about two Years were removed out of the Parish
of St. Mary Whitechappel in this County to the said hamlet of
Milend old Town as the place of there last
legal Settlement By which Order your
Petitioners think themselves aggrieved and
appeale agt. the same to this Court,

And humbly pray your Worships
will appoint a Day in the next General Quarter
Sessions finally to hear and
Determine the same

And Your Petrs. Shall Ever Pray Etc

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