Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

January 1734

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502970064

Image 64 of 14616th January 1734

John Sears< no role > Churchwn.

Janry 16. 1733
at Swan Tavern wt.
[..] Street


St. James Dukes Place
St. Luke in Old Street }

to be hd sat 10 cl

Co: on both sides

Order quasher
for desert in


Middx (to witt)

At the Generall Quarter Sessions of the Peace
of our Lord King holden for the County of
Middx at Hick's Hall in St. John Street in the
County aforesaid by [..] Adjournmenton
Wednesdaythe SixteenthDay of January in
the Seventh year of the Reign of King George
the second.

It is Ordered by this court that the Churchwardens and
Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of St. Luke in Old Street
in this County have Notice of this Appeale And that they
all Persons concerned do attend this Court on Saturday
next at Ten of the Clock in the forenoon to hear and abide
the Judgment & Determinacon of this Court touching this

By the Court

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