To the Right Worshipfull His Majestys Justices
of the Peace
for the County of Middlesex
The humble Appeal of the Churchwardens and Overseers
of the Poor of the parish of Saint peter le Poor London
That by on Order dated the first day of January 1733 Under
the hands and Seals of
John Milner< no role >
Thomas Dummer< no role >
two of his Majestys Justices of the Peace
for the County of Middx
(One of the Quorum)
By which said Orderone
Mary Oliver< no role >
was passed from the parish of Saint Giles in
the fields
in the said County To the said parish of Saint Peter
le Poor
London as the place of her last legall Setlement
That the said Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor
of the parish of Saint Peter be Poor Conceive themselves
aggrieved by the said Order andpaymtAppeal to this Honourable
Court against the same.
And Therefore humbly pray this Honourable Court
to appointed a day for hearing the said Appeal
against the said Order
Wm: Iliffe< no role >
for the Appellants.
to wit At the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace of our
Soveraign Lord the King holden for the County of Middlesex
at Hicks Hall
in Saint John Street
in the County aforesaid
on Monday the Fourteenth day of January in the Seventh
year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second
King of Great Britain France and [..] Sealond Defender of
the Faith
It is Ordered by this Court