Middx ss:
Ad General Quarterial Session pacis Dni Regis
tent P Com Middx apnd Hicks hall in St. John
Com prd. P adjorn die Jovis Scilt decimo
die July anno regni Dni Georgy Scdi nunc
Regis Magne Britannie Etc tertio
Willo Cowper< no role >
Johe Milner< no role >
Nicho Jeffreys< no role >
Andrew Osborne< no role >
& al Socys Snis Justic dci
Dni Regis ad pacem
in Com prd. conservand
necnon ad divers felon tusgr & al malefacta
in eodem Com Ppetrat audiend & terminand
assign Etc
It is Ordered by this Court that Richard Wilson< no role >
& William Newman< no role >
high Constables
within the Hundred of Gore
in this County doe
attend the Court of the next Generall Sessions of
the peace to be holden for this County by adjornmt.
on Thursday the twenty eighth day of
August next at three of the clock in the afternoon
to shew cause why they have not paid the
moneys by them respectively reced by vertue
of the Rate made in Easter Sessions one thousand
seven hundred & twenty eight for raiseing of
moneys for releif of maimed soldiers and
Mariners within the Hundreds of Ossulston
Edmonton & Gore in this County unto
Barwell Smith< no role >
. one of his Maties Justices
of the peace
for this County & Treasurer
the moneys raisedinthe same yeare for the
purpose aforesaid,