To the Clerk of the Peace for the County of Middx or his lawful Deputy
I Frances Errington< no role >
of the Parish of
St. Andrews Holborn
in the County of Middx
. in pursuance of an Act of Parliament Intilled An [..] lto oblige Papists to
register their names & reall Estate Do by this toriting under my hand desire you or
one of you to register my name & Estate in the several Messuages Tenements House
and Hereditaments with their Appurtences herein after contained or menconed
scituate lying & being in the said County of Middx
I Frances Errington< no role >
of the Parish of
St. Andrews Holborn
in the County of Middx
. am possessed of a Certain paries of ground Court or place called to [..]
Court for the Residue of a Term of Fifty Years held by Virtue of an Order of [..]
of the Souely of
Greys Inn
in the County of Middx
or by Lease from the said Souely
comencing from the Feast of the Annuanation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the
Year of our Lord one Thousand Six Hundred Ninety four
at & under ye. yearly
Rent of four pounds P Ann payable to the said Society for which Dame
Allison< no role >
deced paid five hundred pound Five part of which said parcel of ground
with the Edifices & Buildings thereupon erected & built was by Lease bearing date
the Nineteenth Day of April in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred
and twenty five
let by George Errington< no role >
late of Greys Inn
aforesaid Esqr
deced to
John Dormer< no role >
in the County of Surry
for the Term of Eighteen Years & an
half to Comence from the twenty fifth Day of January their last past
at & under
the yearly Rent of Forty one pounds payable to the said George Errington< no role >
Admrs. & Assigns And other parcel of the said ground whereon now is erected is
Messuage or Tenement now in the tenure or Occupation of Thomas Penchell< no role >
of Grey
was by Lease bearing Date the Sixth Day of May in the said Year of our
Lord One Thousadn Seven Hundred & twenty five
lett by the said George Errington< no role >
to the said Thomas Penchell< no role >
for the Term of Nineteen Years & two Calendar
Months thence next ensuing at & under the yearly rent of Fifteen pounds payable
to the said George Errington< no role >
his Execrs. Admrs. & Assigns.
And of all those Stables Coach houses & other Buildings now let to Neville Feather< no role >
of the Parish of St. Andrews Holborn
Inn holder
& of a Housewth. the Appurtences
late comonly called or known by the name of Wades Tenement or Houses Shies [..]
Tenement or Housewth. the Appurtences thereto belonging & now called or [..]
by the name of Erringtons House with the Appurtenances which na [..]
Coach houses and other Buildings and the said last menconed house with the
Appurtences were let by the honble Margaret Brawnlow to Thomas Yates< no role >
Greys Inn
aforesaid Esqr
by Lease dated the Eighth Day of April One [..]
Six Hundred Eighty four
to somence from the Feast of the Annunciation of the
Blessed Virgin Mary next
before for the Term of Sixty Years at & under the
Yearly Rent of Seventy five pounds Most of which said Stable Yards
together with the Coath house Shops Stables Bay Losts and other Build [..]
therein with their Appurtence were by George Errington< no role >
late of ye
Greys Inn
in the County of Middx
deced let to the said Neville Feather< no role >