To the Worshipfull the Justices
of ye. Peace for the County of Middx.
The humble Peticon of John Meekins< no role >
of the parish of St. Andrew Holborne
in the sd. County late belonging
to her late Majesty's Ship the Royall Anne
Humbly Sheweth
That Whereas Your Peticoner Whilse the belong'd to the
aforesaid ship (then under the Comand of the Honble Sr.
George Byng< no role >
on or about the 5th: of May 1707
in landing of Porruguese Soldiers at
was Shott in the Thigh Seven inches above the Knee, by
reason whereof your Peticoner having lost the use of both Legg & Thigh
is rendred totally unable of any Service to the Government or of getting
Subsistance to Support his Family.
In Consideration when of Your Peticoner
most humbly implores your Worships (according to
an Act of Parliament made in the 43d. year of Queen
Elizabeth and perpetuated in the 3d. year of King
Charles the first )to grant unto your Peticoner such
a Pencon from this County as the said Act Directs.
And your Peticoner shall ever Pray etc.
John Meekins< no role >