Mary Mannd< no role >
Hester Wright< no role >
Susann Leason< no role >
John May< no role >
John Carroll< no role >
Madding Remont< no role >
Wm: Smyth< no role >
John Barefoot< no role >
Sara Wharton< no role >
Anne Williams< no role >
Sara Davis< no role >
All to be delivered as aforesaid paying their fees Severall
Henry Rook< no role >
hath pleaded not guilty to an Indictment agt. him for haveing in [..]
custody a treasonable and seditions Libell reflecting on his Matie: on [..]
in favour of the Pretender with intent to divulge and publish the
same, is remanded to New Prison
aforesaid for want of sufficient
suerties for his appearance at the next generall Sessions of the
peace to be held for this County to prosecute his traverse upon the
said Indictmt., and is ordered to give such suerties before John
Fuller< no role >
and Alexander Ward< no role >
two of his Maties: Justices of
the peace
for this County or either of them to whom it is recomended
and referred by this Court to take and approve thereof, to remain
till he give such suerties as aforesaid, then to be delivered pay [..]
his Fees 4s: 8d.
James Carnaby< no role >
is referred to Mr: Rotheram Mr: Preistly Mr: John Offley< no role >
Mr: Milner Justices of the peace
for this County or any two of them
to bail or discharge as they or any two of them shall think fitt, when
delivered to pay ijs.
John Sheppard< no role >
indicted for a trespasse and misdemeanor to wth: Indictmt. he [..]
now pleaded guilty but not haveing given due notice to the prosemtor
(as he was required) is remanded to New Prison
aforesaid for want [..]
sufficient suerties for his appearance at the next generall Session [..]
of the peace to be held for this County to answer the said Indictm [..]
and is ordered to give such suerties before John Fuller< no role >
one of [..]
Maties. Justices of the peace
for this County, to whome it is new mended [..]
this Court to take and approve of the same, to remaine till he find [..]
such suerties, then to be delivered paying his Fees 4s:8d.
Wm: Cooke< no role >
is ordered to be comitted to the house of Correrron for a month [..]
to be kept to hard labour during the said time, then to be delivered
paying his Fees.
Mary Grey< no role >
to be delivered paying her Fees 4s:8d.