Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

April 1715

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501440178

Image 178 of 19230th April 1715

Middx ss}

Ad general Quartial Session pacis Dui Regis tent pro Com Midd apnd
Hicks Hall in St. John street in Com prd P adjorn die sabti scilt
tricesimo die Aprilis Anno rui Dui Georgij Dei gra mmc Regis
Magne Britannie Etc primo.

Nova Prisona.

Elizabeth Gould< no role > wife of Joseph Gould< no role > is convicted of a tresspasse and frand and is fined
three pounds and comitted to New Prison there to remain till the pay
the same then to be delivered paying her fees 10s:4d:

Samuel Brockall< no role > is surrendred in discharge of his Baile and comitted to New Prison
aforesaid for want of sufficient suerties for his appearance at the
next generall Quarter Sessions of the peace to be held for this County &
to indempinfy the Inhitants of the parish of St. Giles without Cripplegate
in this County from the charge of maintaineing and keeping a certaine
female bastard child by him begotten on the body of one Anne
< no role > which said bastard child being born in the said parish is
likely to become chargeable to the said parish, to remaine till he find
such suerties, then to be delivered paying his fees ijs: iiijd.

Richard Gale< no role > charged upon oath for speaking seditions words against his Prsent Matie:
and his Government is comitted to New Prison aforesaid for want
of sufficient suerties for his appearance at the next generall Sessions
of the peace to be held for this County to answer the same, to
remaine till he find such suerties, then to be delivered paying
his fees 2s:4d.

Francis Wright< no role > hath pleaded not guilty to an Indictment agt. him for gretty larceny
is comitted to New Prison aforesaid for want of sufficient suerties for
his appearance att the next generall Sessions of the peace to be held
for this County to prosecute his traverse and take his tryall upon the
said Indictment to remaine till he find such suerties, then to be
delivered paying his Fees: iiijs: viijd.

John Hutchins< no role >
Eleanor Ordway< no role >
Wm: Hattersy< no role >
Rachell Jacobs< no role >
John Truss< no role >
Tho: Haynes< no role >
Anne Battison< no role >
Ruth Alley< no role >
Sara Nicholson< no role >
John Smyth< no role >
Wm: Cranford< no role >
Margt: Fisherald
< no role >
John Latham< no role >
Eliza: Billingham< no role >
Mary Browne< no role >
Jane Pimm< no role > }

All to be delivered out of New Prison aforesaid
paying their Fees severally ijs:

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