Middlx ss.
There are to Certifies his Maties Justices of the
for this County now in their Gewall Quartr. Sessions
of the peace Assembled That in pursuance of an Order
of the Gewall Quartr. Sessions of the peace held for this
County by Adjornmt. the 17th. day of Febry last past
Wee whose hands are hereunto sett three of the Referrees
in the said Order named have been attended by Mr. Gibson
one of the Churchwardens and Mr. Hocker & Mr. Bennett
two of the Overseers of the poor of the parish of St. James
in this County with the poors rate of the said
Parish and also by Severall of the Appellants in the said
Order likewise named And upon a fall hearing of all
parties and what could be alledged on either side It is our
Opinions That the Said Severall Appellants in the said Ordr.
named and hereunder menconed do and ought to Stand
charged to the poors rate of the said parish of St. James
for the Year 1714. as hereunder at and against
their particular names is express'd (vizt)
Richard Claridge< no role >
reduced to Two Shillings P Month
Joseph Birch< no role >
reduced to Two Shillings and three pence P Month
James Chawell< no role >
reduced to Two Shillings P Month
David Minnell< no role >
reduced to Two Shillings P Month
William Collier< no role >
reduced to Two Shillings and three pence P Month
Thomas Divett< no role >
reduced to One Shilling and Six pence P Month
Thomas Gibson< no role >
reduced to Two Shillings P Month
Jeremiah Gaznett< no role >
reduced to One Shilling and Eight pence P Month
Richard Baynard< no role >
reduced to Two Shillings P Month
Joseph Bosly< no role >
(not appearing) to Stand charged as he now
does at Two Shillings P Month
All which Wee Submitt to the Judgment of this Court
Given under our hands this Twenty Sixth day of
Aprill Anno Dui 1715
John Fuller< no role >
Ben: Hilton< no role >
Richd Browne< no role >